Underwater UFO bases in The Solomon Islands
Underwater UFO bases in The Solomon Islands
To my knowledge, this maybe the first time that somebody is telling the rest of the world about subterranean UFO Bases he has found. I suppose there is a first time for everything.
On the map further up this Website is a reference to the “Mount Dragon UFO Base” entrance. This is definitely a current UFO Base used by Aliens. The entrance to this subterranean Base is a waterfall-lake about 2,500 feet high on the western side of a 5-kilometre long valley, and is approximately 8-kilometres from the coast.
I spent several months living in a village called “Chapuru”, of Cape Esperance, which is north on the coast from the “Subterranean Terrestrial UFO Base” (ST’s new word), and in this area, the Alien activity from this Base is seen of regularly, meaning like nearly every night. During the time I lived at this village, I began to loose count of these UFO sightings at around 60 times, but I do remember estimating that it would be 100 by now. The reason why I eventually called this unnamed mountain UFO Base entrance “Mt. Dragon” is because the Guadalcanal people who live in this area call these flying ‘balls-of-light’ UFOs, “Dragon Snakes”.
To the people of Northwest Guadalcanal, as they have been observing these “Dragon Snakes” for well over a century, and most probably much longer, although they fear them because people have been killed, injured, or have gone missing due of them, they generally give them no more of a second thought unless in close proximity, as they can be found flying around in the area nearly every night. As an example of this accepted part of life, about a kilometre East from “Chapuru”, the village I once lived, the current Prime Minister of the Solomon Islands, Prime Minister “Sir Alan Kemakeza’s” main residence is found, and he has seen these UFOs many more times than I have. “Ezekiel Alebua”, a once Prime Minister, the previous Guadalcanal Premier, and Guadalcanal Minister again, also knows of the Waterfall Lake UFO Base entrance. You can ask anyone from Northwest Guadalcanal about their UFOs, and I mean anyone about them and they will tell you heaps, as they are seen of virtually every night and have been for well over a century. That is if the American led Australian Solomon Islands Government allows Tourism to continue in the Solomon Island’s and doesn’t place restricted no go zones everywhere.
As these sightings did not always become second nature to me, after some extensive investigation to find out where these UFOs go when they were not flying around, over a six-day period there and back, myself and another Guadalcanal friend made an arduous trip to this UFO Base, and from a hidden position in the nearby mountains above it, was when we first discovered that there was more than one “UFO/Dragon Snake” using this place as one of their residence in the Solomon Islands. This Alien Base is still there today. Apart from all the people of the area, the best person to confirm this Base and its position is “Ezekiel Alebua”. Also, may I say, the current Solomon Island’s Prime Minister, “Sir Allan Kemakeza”, who I know, being from Guadalcanal, knows all about the Giant race existing on his Island, but was unaware of the real reasons why the Australian Prime Minister after many years all of a sudden had a change of heart and started offering assistance with a military interdiction immediately after he got back from visiting the American President.
You cannot tell me that the Americans, British and Australians do not know of these UFO Bases, because I have overwhelming proof that they do. The current ‘Solomon Islands Interdiction’ by the American led Australian multinational Forces has been named; “Operation Helpem Friend”. No More! Hemi “Operation Containem, and Bringem Come Oil and Gas”. Incidentally, it was during my adventurous stay at this village that I first began to learn about the Giants of Guadalcanal also.
On the map above is shown the entrances of the UFO Base located in the Central East Coast of Malaita that I know of, and the location of the ‘Ramo mountain remanence’ mentioned. The question mark represents; “I know there is some kind of base in that location somewhere too”. Although one pin is missing near the left-hand arrow, I believe that cluster of pins are all entrances that make up one big UFO Base under the Island.
Contrary to popular belief, NASA, or whoever that mob was, first made contact with the Aliens at the subterranean UFO Base of Central East Malaita in 1961. No doubt this is one of the ways of how they began to gain what partial secret technology that they have today. Back then; during the height of the ‘Cold War’ in attempts to gain technological advantages, they blackmailed these particular Aliens. This all happened because when the great British Geologist “Mr. Gropher” was doing his few expeditions in the area in-between 1958-1960, he first saw these UFOs and then reported them back to England. In 1961, a Whiteman who claimed himself to be from NASA came to that part of the Island and asked assistance from my wife’s relatives to take him to the UFO subterranean Base entrances, which they did. Requesting privacy, they left him at the desert coast above the UFO Base. This self-claimed NASA guy (or whoever he was) was gone a week, during which somehow he made contact with these Aliens, until he arrived again, when he asked my wife’s relatives once again for further assistance to take him back from where he came. Most of the people of Kwaio and Kwara’ae know of this NASA guy happening.
In the map above, you will notice the right-hand red pushpin on the east coast with an arrow pointing at it. This is a 50-meter in diameter ‘bottomless circular reef’ in amongst the surrounding 10-meter deep coral reef and is few miles North of ‘Kwoi Island,’ (which is on the border of the Kwaio and Kwara’ae tribes) and South of Namo’ere’ere of Central East Malaita. “Singalanggu Harbour” is slightly further south. “Balls-of-light” UFOs can be seen going in-and-out of that bottomless circular reef virtually every night. My friends like fishing down this UFO hole during the daytime, because it saves them going out to the danger of the ocean, as lots of big fish like found in the ocean can be found down there. They have let down over hundred 200 meters of 100 lb line and it still hasn’t hit the bottom. I always think of this hole being made by a huge spaceship that hovered above it and shot a huge laser into the crust of the earth.
Maybe the Australian minesweeper currently in the Solomon’s could go over this UFO hole to determine for us all how deep it is, that is, if they don’t know already. I mean to say, the minesweeper really does belong to us “Australian” taxpayers, and because we are paying 300 million dollars a year to contain these momentous world scattering discoveries instead of putting it into the much in-need hospitals, dental, and education services, just to name a few, maybe they could do this and let us all what they found out.
The left-hand pushpin with the arrow, directly inland from that circular-reef hole UFO Base entrance, about 3-4 miles on the mainland of the Island is a lake of which when the boys are out fishing at night, the UFOs can be seen going in that lake and coming out the circular-reef, or vice-versa. Both entrances are definitely connected. I personally have only seen their activities at the lake in this area. A UFO coming out of this lake at dusk, incinerated my good friend’s Grandfather, and everyone in the area knows about it. These Aliens, for the want of another name, have installed fear in these people for generations, and many people have gone missing, and I think I know where they are. In the Kwaio and Kwara’ae area are three other entrances in their jungle mountains that I know of, where these ‘balls of light’ type UFO vehicles can be seen going in-and-out. It is my belief that all these entrances are not individual Bases, but are all connected making up one big one under the Island. I maybe wrong, but I also believe one of the many reasons why they there, is that, for reasons of their own, they have been mining a very rare type of gemstone under this highly mineralised Kimberlite base carrying rock volcanic Island of multitude type gemstones. The rare gemstones of the Alien’s interest that my wife’s relatives possess have a far higher specific gravity than that of diamonds, and a refractive index that when you put the stone in sunlight, you see your mirror image deep in the centre of the stone. Also, holding them to the sun, they are a very deep transparent silvery-blue. For their size, they are noticeably extremely heavy. I once had one of these “E.T. Stones” that was 32.4 caret, which had these characteristics. Ironically enough, the more customary people of this Island call these particular UFOs “Diamond Snakes”, and there are some old folklore stories supporting the Alien’s interest in these unique gemstones.
As there are many remanence of the “Ramo civilisation” to be found on top of the Island, and “the Aliens” underneath for what appears has been a very long time, there is every chance there is a connection between the two. And that goes for Guadalcanal also. I can only speculate about remote Choiseul, but that wouldn’t surprise me in the least, as I know that they also have quite a lot of Giants, and a lot of UFO traffic over that way too.
Nevertheless, if there ever were a place that one could call “UFO Headquarters”, it would have to be Central East Malaita. Mind you, these are only the ones I know of. Goodness knows what other UFO Bases are really in the rest of the Solomon Islands.
This map is slightly inaccurate in that “Affiou”, the main town, is located approximately where the ‘T’ is adjacent to the arrow indicating the Alien Base entrance.
The waterfall lake UFO Base of Small Malaita (South Malaita), where I have also witnessed their activities, is easy to find. Just ask the locals, but, heading north up the passage with Small Malaita on your right, about 3-kilometres from ‘Affiou,’ the main town, and about a kilometre up the jungle mountain is their Base entrance where they can be seen nearly every night going in and out of, and also brazenly and casually flying along the passage. I should know, apart from expeditions there when I would watch them doing this, my first Solomon wife ‘Miriam’ comes from that Island.
Like all three UFO Bases mentioned, this Base has quite a significant amount of active, as one would find out by going there, or just simply asking the locals, that’s if anyone ever bothers. Of interest about this Base entrance, is the very large clumps of white crystal formations that can be found growing on the stream’s edge further up before the waterfall, of which the lake below is where the “balls-of-light” UFOs frequently go in-and-out.
While talking about waterfall lakes and lake entrances and such, a common dominator I have found. These aliens in all three Bases I have mentioned have chosen waterfall-lakes or lakes as their Base entrances. Apart from the ones (that I know of) that are in the Mountains of Kwaio and Kwara’ae, they all have a connection with waterfalls and lakes. This may have been a coincidence when they choosing a place to build them, but somehow I doubt it. So, when one day those that may follow up on my research in this area are contemplating where else they might find other UFO Bases in the Solomon’s, consider this common dominator.
Psychologically, as over the centuries they have installed fear within the Solomon Islanders. As one of the reasons for this is, if perhaps they were to be discovered, these places would become reverently “Tambu”, which in some cases they are. Also, because of their jungle remoteness from village inhabitation, the concept of “out of sight-out of mind” applies.
In the June-July issue of NEXUS Magazine, Sri Ramon Jun Quitales II wrote a ‘Letter to the Editor’ about, “could anyone provide information of the UFO activity on his Island Makira”, which just happens to be an Island just below Malaita. Many Solomon Islanders have told me of, as they describe them, ‘flat string-ray type’ UFOs with big round lights underneath them that hum as they go along. They sometimes see them flying low over the jungle, and sometimes surfacing out of the sea near where they are fishing. They have landed near villages, and the (white or black) human people who get out of them, have strange grey uniforms, not seen of anywhere else in the world. You can make your own deduction’s there about where they’re from.
With the extraordinary amount of UFO traffic found in the Solomon Islands, it would be hard to imagine with our modern satellite tracking surveillance by a variety of countries around the world, that over the past few decades no one of the modern world has noticed their activities. I know for a fact that few satellites are above the Solomon’s. Maybe it would be a good idea to switch a couple of their cameras on and put it on the Internet so we too can all watch them getting around, instead of the selected secret few that do. I suppose because there are a couple of multi-million dollar American spy planes to patrol the Solomon Islands now, they might get lucky.
I do not have any evidence that these “sting-ray” or “triangular” shaped UFO vehicles go to the ST Bases mentioned above when they are not flying around, so I only can presume that they have their own nearby. And if that were the case, then it would be reasonable to think that it was to keep an eye on these “Balls-of-Light” UFOs and their occupants that have been making the Solomon Islands their home for a long time.
Where do I think these flat manmade “string-ray shaped” or “triangular type” undiscovered to the rest of the world unidentified flying objects go when they are not flying around? My educated guess is that these secretive people have built bases either in the side of remote mountains within the jungle, (the ‘?’ mark on the map) or within the waters of the sea. Furthermore, because of the frustration that the secretive ones within these Governments have had over the decades with the ST’s not sharing the majority of their technology (for good reasons) with them, and because of worldwide ethical consequences of stopping millennia of religious wars, and the huge advantages to further humanity if the rest of the world were to know the truth of the Giants and Alien’s existence within the Solomon Islands for the past millennia, it would be logical that their own secret bases are nearby.
I hope the information within this Website has been helpful to those that are interested in these sorts of things. What you do with it now is up to you.
There is a lot more behind “The Place That Time Forgot” than what first meets the eyes, and there is much that I have not mentioned. It is all too much for just one person to pursue, and I sincerely hope many researchers follow up on these key discoveries.